The West is particularly affected, with nearly 40% of students trailing behind, per NCES data|Idaho National Laboratory|CC BY 2.0
A recent National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) survey reveals that about 33% of US K-12 students are behind their grade level, highlighting a lingering effect of the pandemic’s impact on education.
The survey, which has input from around 1,651 schools, shows that the West is particularly affected, with nearly 40% of students trailing behind.
The gap widens in schools in cities, and with higher percentages of students of color.
- Schools with over 75% students of color report 42% of their pupils are behind, compared to 22% at schools with 25% or fewer students of color.
- In urban areas, 38% of students are behind, versus 31% in the suburbs.
In response, schools are hiring more teachers and focusing on critical subjects, but the path to full recovery remains challenging.