Ann Pizzoruso argues that the arched bridge in the Mona Lisa painting corresponds to the Ponte Azzone Visconti in Lecco

More than 500 years after Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, geologist and Italian Renaissance specialist Ann Pizzorusso claims to have solved the mystery of the backdrop of one of the most famous pieces of art in the world. She says it’s in the city of Lecco in northern Italy.

Pizzoruso argues that the arched bridge in the painting corresponds to the Ponte Azzone Visconti in Lecco, contrary to previous theories linking it to structures in other cities.

Her geological research suggests that the rock formations in Lecco match those depicted in the painting, supporting her hypothesis. 

Several experts believe Pizzoruso’s interdisciplinary approach of combining geology with art history may have solved the longstanding mystery.

Maybe you can finally click a selfie at the exact place where Mona Lisa had her painting done.