Criticism exists of potential price increases for consumers. But the Biden administration defends the move as necessary|Gage Skidmore|CC BY-SA 2.0

President Joe Biden announced new tariffs for Chinese imports, escalating the trade war between Washington and Beijing.

He said he plans to quadruple taxes on Chinese EV imports from 25% to 100% as part of new tariffs, aiming to protect US manufacturing jobs as cheaper products from the Southeast Asian country flood Western markets.

Besides EVs, minerals, solar cells, and batteries sourced from China are also hit with new tariffs.

But not all see it that way
Criticism exists of potential price increases for consumers. But the Biden administration defends the move as necessary to address long-standing trade imbalances between the US and China.

The pricey tariffs, covering roughly $18 billion worth of imports from China, come amid concerns over Beijing’s trade practices and its impact on American businesses.