The ruling prevents Texas officials from prosecuting medical professionals providing the abortion|Lorie Shaull|CC BY-SA 2.0

A Texas judge granted an emergency request yesterday allowing a pregnant woman, Kate Cox, whose fetus has a fatal diagnosis, to obtain an abortion in the state.

The case is the first instance of a pregnant woman seeking court intervention for abortion since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, leading to abortion bans in several states.

The virtual ruling prevents Texas officials from prosecuting medical professionals providing abortion.

Cox, who is 20 weeks pregnant, learned her fetus has full trisomy 18, a chromosomal disorder with high miscarriage rates and little chance of survival after birth.

Travis County District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble, a Democrat, ruled that Cox qualified for a legal abortion under Texas laws due to the seriousness of the case and the risks it poses to her life, health and fertility.

“The longer Ms. Cox stays pregnant,” the judge wrote, “the greater risks to her life.”