The Supreme Court is gearing up for its next term|Kjetil Ree|CC BY-SA 3.0

The Supreme Court’s next term will begin in October. Many cases will likely be heard later this year or in early 2025.

Here are a few it has agreed to consider
The court has decided to review a Texas law restricting minors’ access to online pornography. Passed in June 2023 as House Bill 1181, the law mandates that websites hosting sexually explicit content verify users’ ages using methods such as government-issued IDs.

The law imposes fines of up to $10,000 per day for non-compliance and $250,000 if minors access prohibited content.

Similar laws in other states have faced legal challenges, highlighting ongoing debates over free speech, child protection and regulatory overreach in the digital age.

Additionally, the Supreme Court will review the Food and Drug Administration’s regulations on e-cigarettes, focusing on flavored vaping products. These products, popular among teenagers, have faced scrutiny over health concerns by health officials and anti-tobacco groups.

In a separate matter, the court declined challenges to Illinois gun laws, suggesting a reluctance to revisit gun rights issues soon after significant prior rulings.