A rail strike would deeply impact the economy as it will virtually hit all industries costing the nation about $2 billion a day|Basil D Soufi|CC BY-SA 3.0

President Joe Biden urged Congress to step in and pass legislation to avoid a “national rail shutdown” and force railroad workers to accept a now-rejected deal brokered in September.

A rail strike would not only have a deep economic impact as it will virtually hit all industries—costing the nation about $2 billion a day, per Axios—but would also affect the holiday season.

According to the Railway Labor Act of 1926, Congress can intervene and has the power to adopt a labor contract, preventing a worker strike to avoid any disruption.

The shutdown, which is a possibility if the parties do not reach a deal by December 9, would result in a shortage of various goods, a rise in prices, and a pause in industrial production.

The House would likely pass legislation this week.