California DMV has asked Cruise to operate no more than 50 AVs during the day and 150 at night|Dietmar Rabich|CC BY-SA 4.0

Less than 10 days after getting approval to operate 24/7 in San Francisco, General Motors (GM) self-driving taxi Cruise was asked to reduce its cabs by 50% due to a slew of accidents.

California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) made the request following a Cruise driving mishap on Thursday when the autonomous vehicle (AV) collided with a fire truck responding to an emergency. The passenger had non-life-threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital.

The DMV has asked Cruise to operate no more than 50 AVs during the day and 150 at night until the accident investigation gets over. The GM subsidiary said it will comply.

The accident is not Cruise’s first
Around 10 of its AVs caused a traffic jam near the Outside Lands Music Festival last weekend by stopping midway. The company said it was due to concertgoers clogging the cell networks that led to a disruption in the car’s communication systems.

Another Cruise drove into a construction site and got stuck in wet concrete.