The audit stated the problems can cause train delays and stop Metrorail doors from opening|Nesnad|CC BY 3.0

An audit by the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC) revealed troubling issues with Metro’s operations. It found that rail cars that had failed speed and automatic door functioning tests were still in use.

The audit by WMSC stated these problems can cause train delays and stop Metrorail doors from opening.

Other lapses included staff shortages and outdated training materials, highlighting systemic safety issues. Mechanics also falsely marked trains as safe without proper assessments, risking passenger safety.

According to WMSC spokesman Max Smith, Metro failed to follow its outlined safety procedures.

The report recommended proactive training and staffing updates, mandating Metro to submit an improvement plan within 30 days.

Despite these concerns, over three-quarters of train riders gave it high marks in a recent poll, showcasing the highest satisfaction with Metro’s service in a decade.