The saltwater intrusion has advanced 70 miles up the Mississippi River|Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2023

The reduced water level of the Mississippi is forcing saltwater to creep into the river from the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the drinking water supply for millions of Louisiana residents.

The saltwater intrusion has advanced 70 miles up the Mississippi River and is expected to reach southern New Orleans by mid-October. 

President Joe Biden approved Governor John Bel Edwards’s emergency declaration on Wednesday for four parishes—Plaquemines, St. Bernard, Jefferson and Orleans. 

This summer, more than 2,000 residents of the Plaquemines relied on bottled water due to saltwater in their water systems.

The US Army Corps of Engineers constructed an underwater sill in July to prevent the saltwater from entering, but it is not a long-term solution.

“The only thing that will fix the saltwater intrusion problem is rain,” says an Army Corps engineer.

Bottled water is in high demand in New Orleans, leaving most store shelves empty.