According to the latest data, Argentines are eating just 44 kilograms (97 lbs) of beef on average this year, down from more than 52 kg (115 pounds) consumed last year

Triple-digit inflation in Argentina, coupled with an economic recession, is affecting beef consumption in the country, which is down almost 16%, as people are forced to tighten their belts.

The drop is an astounding fall for a country known for its steakhouses and cattle ranches.

According to the latest data, people in the South American nation are eating just 44 kilograms (97 lbs) of beef on average this year, down from more than 52 kg (115 pounds) consumed last year. The current year’s consumption is much less than the 100 kg (220 pounds) a year Argentines consumed in the 1950s.

The plunge is driven by nearly 300% inflation, which has forced many families to look for alternatives and reduce consumption of staples like meat, milk and vegetables. 

Consumers are replacing beef with cheaper staples like pasta, while those buying the meat are looking for less expensive cuts.