Agents witnessed a 50% decline in the number of migrants illegally crossing the border since Title 42 expired (In image: Immigrants apprehended near Yuma, Arizona in 2019)|US Customs and Border Protection (Jerry Glaser)|Public domain
The number of migrants illegally crossing the US-Mexico border dropped to 50% since Title 42 expired on Thursday midnight.
The Border Patrol made 4,200 arrests on Saturday and 6,300 on Friday, far less compared to the daily arrest count of 10,000, days before pandemic-era Title 42 ended.
But it could be calm before another storm. Authorities predict that the number of arrests could go as high as between 12,000 and 14,000 a day.
The number of migrants in custody can also increase to as much as 45,000 by the end of May if immigration is not processed fast enough.