Hunter Biden also faces a trial in California for nine tax offenses. He is accused of evading $1.4 million in taxes|Center for Strategic & International Studies|CC BY 3.0

The President’s son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty on Tuesday of three felony charges related to lying on a mandatory gun purchase form and buying a gun while still using illegal drugs in 2018.

The verdict from jurors in a Delaware court yesterday came after Hunter’s indictment last September. The charges carry a potential 25-year prison sentence, but first-time offenders often receive lighter punishments, say legal experts.

Hunter’s legal team plans to appeal the conviction, while President Biden has stated he will not pardon his son, contrasting with former president Donald Trump’s use of pardons for allies.

The former President was also convicted of felonies recently.

Hunter also faces a trial in California for nine tax offenses. He is accused of evading $1.4 million in taxes.

These cases have potential political and personal repercussions for President Biden as he campaigns for reelection.