The Zion National Park hosted more than 4.6 million people in 2023|@ZionNPS|X

Zion National Park, like many US national parks, is grappling with overcrowding and understaffing. Visitor numbers have surged, especially since 2015, but funding and staffing have not kept pace.

The reduced staff has led to limited services, longer wait lines, and increased vandalism. It also puts pressure on natural resources and park employees.

From 2010 to 2023, the National Park Service saw a 20% decrease in full-time employees, while park visitation increased by 16% to 325.5 million.

Zion, in particular, experienced a 70% rise in visitors since 2010, welcoming over 4.6 million people in 2023.

The Yellowstone National Park is also expecting record visitation this year while it handles staff shortages.