Several people using dating apps have experienced their potential dates asking them about their credit scores|J H|CC BY-NC 2.0

Credit scores are influencing people’s dating habits, with some more interested in their potential partner’s financial stability than their looks or intelligence.

Ranging from about 300 to 850, credit scores reflect a person’s payment history and debt, often used by banks to decide loan eligibility. However, some individuals are now using these scores to assess their dates.

Several users of dating apps report being asked about their credit scores by potential dates.

A recent Credit Karma survey of 1,000 people found that two-thirds of Americans think it’s important for their partner to have a good credit score. Some dating apps have even considered adding financial status filters.

While some see discussing credit scores as a way to build closeness in a relationship, others find it impersonal and off-putting.

Critics argue that credit scores aren’t always fair, as they can exclude people who are new to the US or have always used cash. Moreover, a high credit score doesn’t necessarily mean someone is wealthy. It just indicates their ability to repay loans.